Self-regulated Learning course – Solo phase 4


Describe your solo phase task

Read the articles, make ICE notes and reflect.

What topics and concepts are related to your task?

Rubrics and Self-assessment Scripts
Self-Regulation Training Programs

Set a goal for this work period

Learn more about assessment and interventions as they pertain to SRL.

How confident are you that you will achieve your goal?


Read articles and make ICE notes and concept definitions

Three important concepts from each article

Panadero, E., Tapia, J.A. and Huertas, J.A. (2012). Rubrics and self-assessment scripts effects on self-regulation, learning and self-efficacy in secondary education. Learning and individual differences

1. Rubrics are self-assessment tools that contain criteria for assessing the important goals of the task, a grading scale and a description for each qualitative level. Students use rubrics to self-grade their work by comparing it to the criteria.

2. Scripts are self-assessment tools, that use specific questions modeled after experts way of approaching a task to guide the student.

3. Rubrics are more concerned with performance, where as Scripts analyze the process. Studies seem to indicate Scripts have many positive effects on improving self-regulation, learning and self-efficacy. Results from the study of Rubrics are mixed.

Dignath, C., Buettner, G., Langfeldt, H-P. (2008). How can primary school students learn self-regulated learning strategies most effectively? A meta-analysis on self-regulation training programmes. Educational Research Review, 3, pp. 101-129

1.Training programs should begin at an early age, before students develop harmful behaviors and learning styles.

2. Training programs are more effective if they are context related.

3. An important aspect of training programmes is the learning environment, which should give the students opportunities to use learning strategies.

ICE notes

ICE note 1

Just handing out a Rubric to students isn’t enough. They need to understand the purpose of it and get help and feedback from the teahcer.

The importance of feedback and conversation always seems to be an importan aspect of learning/teaching.

When writing my Bacherlor’s Degree we were given sort of a Rubric, where all the grades where given criteria that the work has to meet. This in itself would not have been enough to guide the writing process, teacher feedback was much more important than the guidelines given on a piece of paper.

ICE note 2

Interventions conducted by researchers seem to be more effective than ones done by teachers.

This reminded me of a study where teachers where given new ideas for teaching. Some, usually older teachers, were reluctant to these changes and reverted back to their old ways. Something new can just be seen as extra work from the teachers point of view.

If I am to design learning environments/instruction/training courses in the future I need to make sure I get the best information and guidance from experts.


Recall your Solo phase planning. How well did you succeed? Why?

I succeeded well, except for being late.

Describe one challenge that you had during your task performance

Coming up with the elaboration parts.

What did you do to help yourself when facing a challenge?

I thought about how this information could be relevant to studying (Elaboration 1) or to my possible future job (Elaboration 2).

What could you do differently next time?

Start working on it earlier.

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